Sunday, July 27, 2014

#TipsForUSTArkiFreshies Part 4: The Cutoff

Capping off my Arki series with an additional guide! I can't believe I totally forgot about one of the most crucial things about arki life in UST: The Cutoff! Anyways, if you're a freshman, then you are probably among the hundreds that are absolutely terrified about surviving the cutoff! I definitely was. It was like this awful weight on my shoulders that was there and not there at the same time. #MentalTorture :(

With that in mind, here are three important things you have to remember as a freshman! It's not long or hard to remember at all. And I think knowing them by heart can give you an advantage against the *dreaded* cutoff.

This is easy enough to do and it definitely goes without saying that you absolutely have to take every single subject seriously. Fail one of them and you're out. With that being said though, there's nothing scary about academics at all. A lot of them are actually pretty easy. You just have to bear in mind that you should never ever be happy with *just* passing. The rule is simple: get the highest grade that you possibly can from something. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it shouldn't be passing by a thread either!

This goes especially for your plates. There are going to be a lot of plates that you will feel lazy doing and I'm telling you now that you seriously have to give it everything you've got. There will be times when you will get a low grade. I know I've certainly had more than my fair share of them, but it is always *always* an opportunity to learn from your mistakes. When you eventually learn how to do something right, you can bet your a** that you're going to get a high grade next time. :D

I can't tell you how many moments you will have when you will question yourself as to why you even took this course, but if you're like me and most of my batchmates, you can't imagine yourself in any other life than this. I'm telling you now that life is going to be about 150% harder now that you're an architect-to-be, but without question, hold on to your friends, have fun with everything, and never settle for less. There's nothing quite like finishing your first major plate and I honestly can't wait for you to feel the sensation of accomplishment once you do!

Good luck, freshies, and see you around Beato! :D 


  1. Go go future architects! One step at a time. Pass all subjects one semester at a time. And soon you will be watching your astonishing structures at your front. :)

  2. More to learn while doing your very best and reap it afterwars. Determine your priorities one at a time and self confidence will follow through.

  3. Great tips for future architects. Buti na lang Engineering kinuha ko. Ha,ha,ha...

  4. B.S. in Architecture is one of the hardest course to take so you've got to study harder but please, insert some fun in your college life. Don't soak yourself in studying your subjects whole night long. Have a little fun then study again.. :)

  5. Thanks for sharing about the tips :) It does not only apply to Engineering or Architecture students out there! The important part is that students must learn the importance of perseverance and dedication :)

  6. I'm sharing this to my niece who'll be starting her studies of Architecture next month.

  7. These are great tips for architecture students. Nice and encouraging post.
    - Wanderer Juan

  8. All positive tips that will apply to any student whether there's a cut-off, a bar examination or passing the board exam! What about pray, shall we include that as well? :)

  9. That is right, never give up and never setle for anything less, with that kind of character plus hardwork, you will definitely rich your dreams.

  10. I always wanted to be an Architect when I was young. These tips are definitely helpful for freshies. :)

  11. Aspiring arki should read these general tips, that's the spirit in everything we do. -KarenT

  12. You remind me of my college days.. we also had a cut off for masscom then.
    You are right, once you get pass the cut off, then you'd understand what is required of you and what you need to do to get pass them..
    In all honesty, I spent a lot of my college time especially from my sophomore to senior years partying.
    Sometimes, I think about it and know I could have done better but I never had any regrets.
    In my circle of friends, I was one of the only 2 who were able to graduate in time.
    I just continued going to school even when I was too tired.
    You'd be surprise that you can manage it.
    Hard work and perseverance bring you to greater heights while your in the academe.
