Sunday, March 1, 2015

Dubai 2014 Travel Diary Part 1

After months of putting it off, I finally got around to fixing up my photos from my trip to Dubai last Christmas! Let me tell you guys, there were a *lot* of photos. In fact, there was just so much that I had to split it into a ton of posts to be able to fit them all in! Haha! To start off, here's the first leg of my Dubai Travel Diary! :)

After 9 hours of travelling, we arrived in Dubai at night and the first thing on the agenda was some dinner! We were brought to this place called ShangThai, and the food wasn't anything special. The cuisine is fairly authentic. I liked that they didn't compromise the flavor to fit the palate of a certain country. Below are some photos of the food!

Beef Stir-fry.

Thai Salad with Beef Tenderloin Strips.

Green Papaya Salad with Roasted Peanuts.

Afterwards, we headed to the hotel to finally get some real sleep after a painfully long plane ride.

We stayed at the Cassells Al Barsha Hotel which was quite pleasant. But this is barely the tip of the iceberg in all of the hotels we stayed in. Dubai is incredibly famous for their hotels and resorts which I'll be showing you guys in my later posts! :)

The Breakfast area of the hotel was a bit small but it all didn't matter once I saw all the pastries! Haha! Being on a plane 9 hours straight meant getting 9 hours worth of airplane meals and that's never enjoyable.

The selection was pretty good. I liked how they mixed western classics with local dishes.

Such as the vermicelli pudding and the onion salad! I've never had these before but the vermicelli pudding, though it looks like a puddle, was pretty good! Haha!

First stop on the agenda was the Zabeel Palace. We were taken there mainly to take photos of the palace from afar and wander around the vast front yard.

There were just tons of tourists which made taking a picture of the palace so difficult!

We then moved on to the Dubai Museum, which is a repurposed fort. They turned this little piece of history and turned it into a cool tourist attraction!

You're immediately lead to a huge courtyard where there are displays of prehistoric stuff like this old hut.

It was actually scary how sharp these spikes were. Hopefully, no one'll get hurt by this in the future! It adds a ton of character to the museum!

When you're inside the fort walls, it suddenly becomes a minimalistic modern exhibit area which was surprising.

And going through the door on this tower actually leads you to the main exhibit areas!

Underground, their exhibit areas expanded extensively and you could learn all about the history of Dubai and what it's like developing it through the years in the desert.

There were also a lot of wax figures displaying how life was at certain eras.

The last room is the artifact room, and you can actually buy some of the ancient pottery! These are the stuff they found on archaeological digs throughout the country.

There are also scale models of the old forts and palaces that were excavated in the desert. Only the foundation remained.

Then before leaving the museum, you can buy tons of pretty souvenirs at their shop! Unfortunately, it isn't really encouraged as most of the things they sell are overpriced and can be purchased at their local market for a good deal.

Afterwards, we left the museum and made our way to the Souks, which means: markets! I've got a whole other post for that so stay tuned! :)


  1. I have never been to Dubai but I hear a lot of stories about people travelling there for shopping. Your post shows so many wide open huge space, I think I want to go there too.

  2. That beef dish looks amazing the picture made my mouth water. I have never really have middle eastern food but now I am reconsidering

  3. WOW! Never knew DUBAI does have this kind of places or museum. Thanks for sharing your own experience. Looks superb!

  4. I was planning to skip lunch, and now looking at your buffet, I'm getting hungry!:(

  5. So lucky of you to go there! I always want to go to Dubai. Seems like you're having such a fun time. I heard food is cheap there so just enjoy!

  6. i've never been to dubai (and recently was told i've been pronouncing it wrong because we're not supposed to call it do-bye) and hardly has any friends visited before. the museum seems like a very meaningful and enriching visit!

  7. I have been waiting for you Dubai posts! All the food looks amazing - I have been to Dubai in August when it was absolutely scorching - expect it was a little cooler for you to enjoy properly and see the sights - the pictures look amazing! Sim x

  8. I have always wanted to read more about Dubai. I have had friends who travel there for shopping. To meet Dubai is the best place to have a vacation.

  9. Oh my gosh, it looks absolutely incredible there! One day, I would love to travel, and Dubai is on my list of to-see places! Looks like you had a wonderful time!

  10. Dubai is really a great city! I remember my friend said, "Dubai is a city of dreams! It offers you opportunities. All opportunities. Opportunity to earn, and to spend." :D So happy exploring! Cherish Dubai!

  11. i want to visit dubai! ive only been there for a connecting flight lol haven't stepped out of the airport so it doesn't count

  12. Reading travelogue and traveler's diary is like travelling places with them. This is what I like on reading from their personal blog accounts.

  13. Dubai is such a wonderful place. Your post inspires me to go there someday. Thank you for the lovely photos :)

  14. Wow! The pastries are amazing. I wish I could visit Dubai this year. Glad you shared this one up.

  15. Dubai has grown into a tourist haven in the past few years. That coming from it's modern attractions and heritage sites like this.

  16. Those spikes sure look like they could actually hurt someone. Were there any cases of anyone getting a cut by grazing them?

    1. Haven't heard of any accidents here and I hope there won't be any in the future!

  17. I have never been to Dubai but I have sisters based there. Perhaps, God permits I can visit them there, I'll too check in at Cassells Al Barsha Hotel. The hotel looks good eh.

  18. Oh! One of my favorite places to visit! I can tell you are having an awesome time and enjoying all it has to offer, not just shopping. Haha! Great photos too. :-)

  19. Dubai seems like an amazing country that combines great modern architecture and ancient culture. Love your pics, I have always wanted to go there myself!

    1. It really is! I hope you can go see it someday soon! :)

  20. The food just made my mouth water. And I'm lusting over your tour of the palace, too. I hope my family and I could visit Dubai, too!

  21. I love your photos! It felt I was in Dubai too. I didn't realize that Dubai also has historical tourist spots. Thanks for showing them to us! :)

  22. Now this is Informative writting about Dubai, Keep up the good work.

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