Sunday, March 15, 2015

Dubai 2014 Photo Diary: Wandering Around The Souks

One of my favorite stops during my stay in Dubai was the market, or as they call it, the Souks! I personally think it's the best way to understand a country's culture; through the food they sell as well as most of the stuff they usually buy. It says something about the typical life of a local! Read on to see my experience in the Souks! :)

The Souks can of course be accessed through main roads, but our guide had us ride the boat for a quick view of the older part of town from the bay.

Needless to say, it was such a beautiful experience. The weather was pleasant as well!

Right off the docks, there's already a few stores that sell souvenirs. I didn't check the prices but I assume it's going to be a bit cheaper if you tried finding souvenirs on the Souk proper rather than right off the docks.

The Souk is actually incredibly large and it almost feels like it keeps going on and on!

The first portion is the Spice Souks and you can pretty much guess that it's going to be brimming with all the spices you could imagine! Aside from these, you can also buy local delicacies and grocery products.

Here's one of the vendors explaining the different uses of spices; from medicinal to culinary use. One of the coolest things in the Spice Souk is that everyone is super friendly and a lot of the locals tried to converse with us in Tagalog it was so fun!

Walking around tickles your nose but it isn't overwhelming at all! It's just a really wonderful way to take in the old world charms of Dubai :D

There are also art stores that sell paintings and...

Beautiful bottled sand! The artist pours layers and layers of colored sand into a bottle, he then tweaks it with sticks to create curves and different lines like the images on the bottles you see in the photo! You can also have them customized with your name but I think it's about an hour of waiting if you have it custom-made.

The Gold Souk is just a minute away on foot and the first thing you'll see the world's largest gold ring! I'm not really sure why anyone would make such a ring. It's as wide as a hula hoop! This part of the market is all about the bling so if you're crazy about jewelry, you better be ready! Haha!

After a quick look at the Gold Souk, our guide showed us to this store where we could buy local specialties. Unfortunately, I can't remember what the place is called. :(

Here, you can buy nuts and spices, but I recommend trying the local chocolates. The Chocolate-coated Dates are definitely worth trying!

Visiting the Souks was so unexpectedly fun that I think everyone who visits Dubai should stop by, even if you're not planning on buying anything! :)

Stay tuned for more travel photos!


  1. Wow I so want to visit Dubai after reading your post. Love all the pictures.

  2. That beautiful sand bottle becomes my daughter's project in school. And now we put it on our living room, because for me it is magical and colorful.

  3. I am completely bowled over the vibrant colour in the market! Would love to visit this place...awesome photos!

  4. Just looking at your photos made me hunger for a visit. I will definitely try the chocolate coated dates.

  5. I love the markets, full of spices and colors! Dubai is definitely a very inspiring place for every artistic person. The weather seems so nice, indeed, and the pics with the water remind me of Venice and its canals.

  6. Oh wow - I love all of the times - Dubai is so colourful - all the images definitely tell a story. Looks like you had an amazing time there! Sim x

  7. Haha, I'm so used to your OOTDs that it's odd seeing your travelling diary! I like how you take note of little details of the surroundings and give insights to the place!

  8. The market has wonderful colors. Dabai is such a beautiful city.

  9. I've heard about this place from sister who is based in Dubai, Next time she invites me to visit her. without hesitation I'll say yes. to see this place.

  10. oh wow beautiful, i want to visit dubai one day

  11. How much are those colored sand souvenirs? I think I want to buy some of that if I get to visit Dubai in the future.

  12. Thanks for this awesome post. My parents went there two years ago. Too bad I can't join the trip that time. I was having my final. But I planned to go there myself.

  13. i like the view by the bay like the one at the Souks. It's so calming and refreshing.

  14. Those are great photos! Makes me feel like jetting off to Dubai right away!

  15. Nice place but my cousin who works in dubai is not comfortable going in souk alone

  16. What I really notice is the cleanliness. Gosh it doesn't look like a local market compared to our typical market here...sorry to say. Theirs is a good example we should look up to. Paging L-G-Us. - KarenT
