Sunday, May 10, 2015

5 Easy Tips To Dress For Summer

The crazy summer calls for light fabric, breezy shorts, and pastel hues. Needless to say, that kind of fashion has always been right up my alley! I really can't be one of those bloggers who still manage to wear blazers and leather jackets in this weather, which is why I've decided to share my quick and easy tips to dress for success in this heat!

Tip #1: Keep It Simple

If there's anything I learned in my three years of blogging and reading blogs, it's that simple does *not* mean boring. With this weather we're having, there's no chance to go for fancy layering unless you're going to a fancy wedding. That's a different story. Haha! I prefer loose and relaxed silhouettes because I've never really liked wearing body-fit clothes. (Nothing to show off. LOL) More importantly, your skin has more space to breathe!

Tip #2: Go back to basics that look and feel good!

It is never a bad idea to splurge on great quality basics. 3/4 shirts will never go out of style and they're a perfect marriage between dressy and casual! Opting for pants and fancy shoes can make it super dressy, while the combination I used goes to a more casual side that's perfect for days out with family or friends.

Wearing my new favorite 3/4 sleeve top which is what my sister got me from her trip to Tokyo a month ago! Usually I avoid knit tops as they tend to hug my body way to much. This one from a brand called RageBlue is *the* exception. It's just so well-made and I can already see myself wearing this for years to come!

Tip #4: Keep it classy with minimal accessories.

This doesn't necessarily apply to all, but piling on accessories can be uncomfortable. I've personally grown out of my "arm party" phase and I noticed that I've been just going back to my favorite classic silver cuffs and bracelets. I've also been experimenting with gold which is something I haven't tried before because I've always felt it didn't suit me. Loved how it worked with this outfit though! Not garish at all!

Tip #5: Invest in comfortable boat shoes!

Boat shoes have been really big in the Philippines for a long time now and I don't blame them. They're comfortable, they go with everything, and they're perfect for the weather all year-round! I've been reaching for these shoes 95% of the time that I have to remind myself that I have other lovely choices in my closet. They're just so convenient no-brainers that everyone needs to own a pair!

RageBlue knit top, UNIQLO shorts, Sebago boat shoes.

Did you find these 5 easy tips helpful? :)


  1. Shorts, comfy shirts. White and pastels are light to the eye and perfect for summer. Love your boat shoes. And most men i knew wear that style though, :-)

  2. i am not sure about the knit top if it is okay with this very hot weather in the Philippines. but the boat shoes i am dying for... am a fan of Sebago but never had a chance to get one ...

  3. the knit top isn't really my style. shorts would be good! Well, my eyes are glued on the footwear! haha I love those boat shoes! :-)

  4. The top looks good, but wearing it with short make your legs look a little short (I'm short, so I care about such details! But the knit top really looks good!

  5. KISS! When in doubt keep it simple, indeed. Great tips!

  6. In summer, all I want to do is wear tank tops all the time. However, dressing up with a cool sweater like the one you’re wearing is not that bad too. Nice post!

  7. I don't know about boat shoes as I prefer the classic espadrilles for summer footwear, but simple, basic and no accessories is great for me.

  8. It's very timely that you share these tips. You have flare in fashion and readers will follow you all the way.

  9. This style is very common in guys nowadays. I guess, it's comfy and simply stylish that's why a lot of guys dress the same (similar if not exactly) like this one.

  10. Light-colored tops and comfy boat shoes ( or sneakers ) are pieces that guys should have for summer. The heat has been terrible lately OOTDs should be stylish and comfortable at the same time.

  11. A perfect OOTD for summers Jason, both comfy and casual at the same time.

  12. I like your coordinates, the boat shoes is cool for summer. Its the best time of the year to party and holiday.

  13. Nice tips you have shared here but I don't think the tops is good to wear this summer.

  14. Looks so young with this casual wear!~ Just the right attire for this summer!

  15. I love your shorts. I should check out uniqlo when I have the chance to visit Manila. You look fresh, btw.

  16. Whites are my perfect summer colour it gives such a cool fresh feel. White and blue is a great combo where you won't go wrong.

  17. I am loving the casual look. I am a big fan of basics and classic shorts with white tees always look great on almost everyone.

  18. All great tips for summer dressing. I think the shoe thing is the most important, especially if you are out and about. That and sunscreen :-)

  19. That is such a perfect top for the summer... Looking at it took me right to the beach on a summer day.
