Sunday, July 5, 2015

4 Reasons To Love Succulents

I was introduced to a ton of new things when I started college. I'm now so interested in things that I never thought I would like when I was much younger; from calligraphy, painting, to even K-Pop, and now, taking care of succulents! These are one of the most resilient types of plants and they can survive almost anywhere. These include, Aloe Vera plants and cacti!

 I was introduced to the concept of urban gardening, again, by one of my best friends, Keena, when I joined her in checking out the Craft Fair at UP Town Center months ago. I ended up buying my first-ever succulent there (It's the topmost plant in the photo.) and I haven't been able to resist getting one every time I stop by a Craft Fair ever since!

Anyway, I think that everyone needs to try taking care of these adorable little things and I've got four reasons why you should!

1. You get to breathe in cleaner air.
We've all learned this in our science classes - plants give us fresh air. And the best part about succulents is that you can take care of them right in your own room! If you've got an area in your room that gets a lot of sunlight, you don't need to leave it out anymore. Because of this, you've got all the air-cleaning action happening because of your succulents.

Cactus and Zebra Plant from Mr. & Mrs. Green PH, and Bacularis from The Green House Project PH.

2. They're incredibly low-maintenance.
Taking care of these babies require very little effort, which is why I saw the sensibility in buying them! All you have to do is keep them by a well-lit window and water them once a week. Easy as that. In fact, the more resilient ones can go on for weeks without water such as the cactus and the zebra plant! For the most part, I just get to admire how adorable they are!

3. They spruce up the room and make great decor!
Call me superficial, but a big part of why I love them is how adorable they look! Using teacups and mugs as planters make the succulents look so quaint and a hundred times more adorable! Plus, their small size makes them fit anywhere in the room, and the fact that they make great additions to my Instagram photos is a very big bonus. Haha!

4. They make you more well-rounded.
I think taking care of succulents shows you that there is more to life than having your face buried in your phone or tablet or computer and obsessing about every little thing. I feel very much at peace when I see my plants and watering them once a week is actually quite relaxing! I can't quite explain it because it's something you definitely have to try for yourself to understand! Seeing them grow is quite fulfilling and it doesn't even take a lot of work. :D

If I made you interested in getting one (or a few) for yourself, then you can check out these online stores to get your fix - The Green House Project PH, The Green ThornHerbs & Thorns, and a personal favorite, Mr. & Mrs. Green PH. Have fun! :)


  1. I really need some of these. I used to have a couple when I was younger and living at home. I could do with a nice one in the kitchen. It has now been added to my wishlist.
    Jen x

  2. The best reason for having cacti inside the house is that they are low maintenance. Sometimes, a busy owner cannot have enough time to care for his plants.

  3. Urban farming needs to be learned by everyone now. Plant herns on recycled soda plastic containers. I like these plants coz its small and easy to maintain and a nice accent piece at our home

  4. I have all three at my house. They are cute. Haha

  5. Plants looks beautiful wherever they are whether inside or outside. These little bonsai style are perfect for giving a natural feel inside the home.

  6. I've been wanting to buy these plants but don't know where to purchase them. Thanks I came across your post! But I think I need to free some space in my room so that it would be more breathable not only for the plants but for me too. Major bedroom make-over itu. Hehe.

  7. I've always been fascinated by these pretty little plants. Don't laugh at me because it was only recently that I found out they were actually called succulents.

  8. I don't think I have a green thumb, but you just convinced me to have one or two. You got me at 'breathing in cleaner air.'

  9. Aww... these are so beautiful! I need some of these for my room to give perfect natural look.

  10. This plant can really be a refreshing sight at home. They also bring fresher air and a unique look.

  11. I was hoping to have more plants, but I wish to have my own little space before I do so. Now it's not a good time because I'm sharing rooms and living with my family~

  12. Nice hobby you have But I would rather prefer having flowering plants in my home.

  13. We have cactus plant at home and it dwells in our living room. yes this plant is low maintenance and unique to look at whenever my eyes get tired of watching television. - KarenT

  14. Yeah I think I've heard about those being low maintenance, but I'm not sure I can have any cacti around here for the moment as I've got three kids and a pup who are not very easy to rein. :)

  15. I love to have Cacti plant in my house, this will prevent mosquitoes from coming in side the house.

  16. I should try this too since it's low maintenance. Took care of my mom's plants when she was on holiday previously, and I agree that it can be quite therapeutic watering them!
