Here’s a post that’s been long overdue. Prom night! This happened roughly three weeks ago, but it already feels like it’s been months! Anyways, I remember it being a really busy day, especially since I was a part of the prom committee and I had to be at Makati Shangri-La by 3:30pm! That’s pretty early considering the event formally starts at 6:30 but ended up starting at around 7:00. *Sigh* I guess these things are pretty unavoidable. Enough about that though, let’s get on to my first ever outfit to use a blazer! LOL
Blazer from Zara, Shirt from Uniqlo, Pants from Zara, Shoes from ALDO, Watch from Kenneth Cole.
If there’s one thing I can say about my outfit, it’s that it was almost not planned at all. With the theme being as general as “Vegas Runway” (I still really don’t remember how this even came to be, even though I was part of the deciding committee.) I originally planned for a very bright color palette, consisting of my favorite pastels and neutrals for a fresher look, also to differentiate myself from all the blacks and grays and navy blues.
All that pretty much changed during one of my trips to Paseo at Laguna when I saw this blazer at Zara. It was more of an impulse buy, really, but I figure it’d really serve me well over the years, and it was just so rare for me to find a blazer that just… FITS. And for Zara, no less! I just couldn’t pass that up. Haha!
To add to the switching up, I folded my blazer sleeves up to create a dual tone effect, revealing the black satiny fabric underneath. I was probably the only guy there who did this. Good or bad, I’m not really sure, but I was pretty happy about it at the time. LOL
Sophistication by none other than Kenneth Cole. I mean, seriously, was there even any debate about this being the perfect watch to wear to occasions like this?
If there’s anything else I feel sad about though, it’s that the photos don’t really reveal that my pants were actually emerald in color! Because of the editing, it’s pretty much black in the photos, but at least now you know? :D
As you can see, even to my footwear, I still decided to switch it up. Leather sneakers instead of leather shoes. This is Vegas, after all. I was really glad though to see other guys who had done this and I didn’t feel so alone! Hahahaha!
All in all, it was a pretty okay night. I can’t really say I loved everything about it, because, really, what more can you expect from your run-of-the-mill graduation ball? Still, everyone had a great time, and an expensive one, at that. So I guess, all’s well that ends well? What do you think?
Also, thank you to Austin for taking my photos!
Hype this look on lookbook here.
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