Friday, May 22, 2015

Christmas 2014 Photo Diary: The Wonders of Abu Dhabi

We actually made a quick trip to Abu Dhabi where we stayed for about a day and a half. Since it was only about two hours away from Dubai, it didn't take long before I saw the beautiful capital of the country and our very stop in the agenda was the famous Sheikh Zayed Mosque. Read on to see more!

 Even from afar, the mosque could already be seen because it was so huge, but all this was nothing compared to what I was about to see inside.

Before going in, there's a few shelves by the side of the Grand Mosque where you have to leave your shoes and you basically tour around the Mosque proper while you're barefoot. Also, there's a strict dress code to be observed, guys can be in almost anything, just don't wear shorts. Girls, on the other hand have to dress really conservatively, plus their heads should be wrapped with a scarf or cloth, also known as a hijab since this was a vital part of the respect to be shown in places of worship.

Believe me when I say, it really isn't possible for any camera to capture the intense beauty that this mosque had. "Intricate" doesn't even begin to describe how much of masterpiece this place is.

Everything was ornamented. Everything had a pattern. You would think that putting patterns on literally everything would have made the interiors tacky but not here. *Definitely* not here. There were subtle textures and carvings, but there were also bright colors that grabbed your attention. Polished, matte, and shiny surfaces added so much dimension. Everything was so carefully planned out that thinking about my experience now still fills me with great awe. #DesignerGoals

Everything was flawlessly done with great care - I cannot get over how beautiful everything was.

This will probably be my phone's wallpaper in the future. Haha!

Lunch was served at the Emirates Palace Hotel and it was glorious. I'm still wondering what happened to all of my photos because I remember snapping a ton of photos that day. Ugh.

But in any case, having lunch here was one of my favorite dining experiences to date! There were a ton of choices, but my very favorite part was the dessert bar! Basically just ate all the giant strawberries dipped in chocolate because *strawberries* Hopefully I get to stay here when I travel back in the future because it seems like such a magical place to stay!

After lunch we made a quick stop at the Heritage Town which was basically this really small complex that sold a lot of cultural souvenirs and a few shops actually show you how they craft stuff like pottery and leather goods!

There's also this lovely beach but I'm not sure if you can swim here since I didn't really see anyone in the water. They were all probably going crazy in the awesome waterparks of the country! Haha!

Last stop of the day was Ferrari World and it was sadly the most disappointing part. #GroupTourProblems We had only about three or four hours to check the place out because we were running on a schedule. (Yes, there was a schedule for when we had to go back to the hotel.) *Sad face*

It's actually linked with the Yas Mall since it was in a totally separate island surrounded by Yas-owned buildings. I'm going to show you guys the Yas Viceroy Hotel soon because I took so many photos it deserved its own post! Yup, it's that amazing. Haha!

With the amount of time that we had plus the time it took to wait our turn for rides, I only got on TWO rides. Is that not the saddest thing ever?

The first one was the Speed of Magic which was apparently amazing. However, it definitely didn't meet any of my expectations. It just actually made me dizzy. It's a 4D ride that makes you twist and turn for no real reason and it just gave me a headache in the end. This ride definitely does not hold a candle to Universal Studios' Transformers 4D ride. Now that ride was freaking awesome.

The second one was the Fiorano Challenge and this was probably one of my favorite rides of all time. There are actually two major roller coaster rides in Ferrari World. This was one of them and I enjoyed every second of it! There were enough drops and turns to pump you up but not too many that you just end up being scared for your life. The whole ride takes about a minute or so but it felt like a long time since the track designed was far from being boring.

The fastest roller coaster in the world is here as well but that's if you're willing to wait for two hours and I've heard it just hurts your neck, so I just opted for the other rides.

Stay tuned for the amazingness that is the Yas Viceroy Hotel!


  1. I can't believe how beautiful everything looks. I am so loving your photos and it makes me want to visit so badly.

  2. Did you manage to get a photo of the 3 towers which were "smashed" in the Fast and Furious 7? hahaha... Abu Dhabi is now popular for that!

    1. Unfortunately no, FF7 wasn't out yet at the time so I had no idea. Haha! :)

  3. Abu Dhabi is the place to explore but living and working, I love Dubai City better because of freedom. Nice places in the United Arab Emirates. By the way, the beaches are separate for family, for males, and for females...and for community. And, for picture-taking only.

  4. Ooooh, so that's what Abu Dhabi looks like. Never looked it up since I'm not much of a traveler anyway haha. How's the food? The foodie is dying to know about the food haha.

    1. It's hard to say since I only got to eat at a hotel and we know the food's always good in fancy hotel restaurants! Haha! But the food's generally good in Dubai if you're into spicy food! :D

  5. I have always been curious to see what's inside a mosque. Of course, it is something that I would like to experience. Did you get anything when you were at the heritage town?

    1. Unfortunately, no. There wasn't anything I saw that fit my style. I did enjoy snapping artsy photos though! :D

  6. There are so many wonderful patterns in the photos that I was instantly mesmerized by it. I never knew that Abu Dhabi could be so beautiful and breathtaking.

  7. Abu Dhabi looks amazing and the Grand Mosque looks stunning, a definite must see. Love all the images, so colourful!

  8. Wow! That was their mosque? It's so beautiful! I wonder if all the mosques look like that or it's only in Abu Dhabi? Anyway, the Fiorano Challenge did look fun that the other.

  9. the photos were amazingly beautiful! and you had 3 to 4 hrs but only managed to take 2 rides? the queues must have been crazy!

  10. Beautiful photos. I wish I can go there one day with my family. What airline did you take to go there from Manila?

  11. Awesome shots and a nice place to visit. But perhaps not on Christmas season...

  12. WOW! the Grand Mosque is beautiful! We had a lady share with us on our site recently about Oman being a beautiful place for families to visit (http://kidsonboard.net/blog/travel-moment/muscat-sultanate-of-oman), and now this... Oh dear, Middle East calling? Too many places, and not enough time!

  13. You have shared much more than we know about ABu dhabi and nice place to visit.Food looks amazing and yummy.

  14. The Grand mosque is so beautiful ..I love the use of marble and the intricate carvings.. kind of like the Taj Mahal in India

  15. How lucky to visit Abu Dhabi! My father was also fortunate to visit the place but didn't take photos. Your pictures are amazing especially the skyline with Grand Mosque.

  16. Abu Dhabi is an architectural masterpiece. It has really emerged as an emerging tourist destination.

  17. Abu Dhabi looks so beautiful. I love the shots you took of the mosque interior. Grand indeed!

  18. This makes me wanna visit Abu Dhabi soon. I love how you captured this pictures with your lenses. :) I so love to visit this place one day. Fingers crossed.

  19. ive never thought of visiting there. the architecture is immaculate

  20. It is a magnificent place and I can only imagine the beauty you showed and described. Our world has a lot of beauty in it..

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. The architecture is simply just to beautiful!!!!!! You're so lucky to witness with your own eyes.. I'm lucky as well, at least I can view your beautiful photo here..

  23. that place looks amazing! I will definitely add it to my travel bucket list :)
